What a treat to see “Summer with Nemo” exhibited at maxi size at the SCOPE Art Fair during Art Basel Miami!
An incredible display courtesy of Light.Art, Monolith Gallery, MetaJungleNFT, GuyNorcal and Jean-Michel Paillon.
Who is at Art Basel? Did you catch Light's massive display at @SCOPEArtShow? If you did share your snapshots!
— LIGHT.ART (@light_artists) December 1, 2022
Here showing art by: @caitcronenberg @HugoFaz @mariafynsknorup @NicoleYorkPhoto
A collab with @MONOLITHGallery @MetaJungleNFT @GuyNorcal and @jmpailhon. pic.twitter.com/c3GXyN5RIc