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16th Julia Margaret Cameron Award

I’m feeling super grateful today, as I have just learned that I have received an honourable mention in the 16th Julia Margaret Cameron Award (part of the Worldwide Photography Gala Awards)!
The awarded series “Ruminations” was the one I exhibited during lockdown in Copenhagen, January 2021, and I’m truly happy to see it chosen among 3245 entries for this international award.
I have attached a link to the section of the awards that includes the Self-Portrait winners….

FotoNostrum Lockdown photo competition

I made it as a Fine Art finalist with this image from my 2020 lockdown series “Locked Away” in the FotoNostrum x Worldwide Photography Gala Awards ‘Lockdown Competition’ and has been published in issue 12 of FotoNostrum Magazine (
A HUGE thanks to the jurors and editors!
Text from the magazine:
“As the world faced the first lockdowns and we all entered into the unknown, artists started to document what a day in 2020 was like for them. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months of isolation and confusion.
Art has had to reinvent and question itself in ways we had not imagined before. From the digitalization of mediums to capturing everyday images from one’s immediate proximity, artists faced unprecedented technical, financial, and artistic challenges.
Photography, whether it be fine art or documentary, changed drastically in the year 2020. The Lockdown competition was launched during the first wave of COVID 19, receiving
images dated between January 23, 2020 (when the lockdown started in China), and the submission date.
The thousands of images received from all over the world showed a common pattern of creativity, emotions and commotions. The images speak for themselves, no captions are necessary, and in the respective statements of the submitting artists, some words were repeated over and over again: Self-isolation, Restriction, Boredom, Loneliness, Stress, Bubble, Tolerance, Mutual help, Anxiety, Fear, Introversion, Silence, Emotions, Commotion, Escape, Reality, Surreal, Monotony, Vulnerability.”

The winners are:

Documentary Winner AREK RATAJ from Silesia, Poland

Fine Art Winner FABIEN RUYSSEN from Brussels, Belgium.

Runners Up in the Fine Art Section: ROCIO VILLANUEVA from Guatemala, Guatemala and MARGARITA MAVROMICHALIS from Athens, Greece.

Finalists Documentary Section: Bruke Marew, Elliot Ross, Giulia Mozzini, Hermann Bredehorst, Joice Kreiss, Kelley Dallas, Michelle Sank, Mikhail Lebedev and Sigrid Debusschere.

Finalists Fine Art Section: Abhijit Bose, Bert Daenen, Cory Graham, Diane Fenster, Emmanuel Faure, Enda Burke, Henri T., Jacob Morell, John Keogh, Juile Stoermer, Julie de Waroquier, Marcus Edwards, Maria Fynsk Norup, Mariapia Bracchi, Marita Gootee, Olivia Fernandez, Ricardo Sandoval, Susan Brandt Graham, Todd Bradley and Zsófia Daragó.

We congratulate the winners, runners up and finalists for an excellent, creative and bold artwork. All awarded artwork, including finalists, will be exhibited at the FotoNostrum Gallery in Barcelona, in late 2021, in a date to be determined according to the evolution of the safe travel conditions.

From the edges – exhibition at Galleri Øckenlund


“From the edges” – Melankolsk æstetik

Fotokunst på Galleri Øckenlund

Kolde januar byder på en fotoudstilling, som tiltaler det æstetiske øje. Henrik Haupt fotograferer sine omgivelser. Han betragter dem nøje og er nysgerrig på det, som mennesker efterlader sig; tomme og efterladte bygninger, som forfalder og overtages, måske endda erobres, i en stadig proces af naturen. Hans værker er æstetiske i deres kontraster mellem klare farver og gråtoner, mellem lys og mørke, mellem natur og kultur. Der ligger mange fortællinger i værkerne, som venter på at blive digtet. Maria Fynsk Norups billeder er iscenesatte kunstfotos, hvor kroppen, tiden og rummet udforskes. Kroppen stråler lysende på den mørke baggrund og danner kontrast, så den tiltrækker sig opmærksomhed. Den bevæger sig i yderpositioner, som om den afsøger egne og det omliggende rums grænser. Hendes værker er meget æstetiske; fuldstændig afstemte i deres farver, linjer og former, som nærmest fremstår grafiske. Også her får man lyst til at digte fortællinger ud fra motiverne. Begge kunstnere balancer på blandingen af melankolske motiver og hyperæstetiske formsprog.

Periode: 1.-23. januar 2021

Åbningstider: to-fre: 14-17 & lør: 10-13

Galleri Øckenlund, Kronprinsesse Sofies Vej 6, 2000 Frederiksberg

Gratis entré


Henny Lund: +45 26 73 77 79

15th Julia Margaret Cameron Award

Great news this weekend!
I’m so happy to have won two honourable mentions in the professional section of the 15th Julia Margaret Cameron Award (part of The Worldwide Photographers Gala Awards)!
My series “When he was gone” was selected in the Fine Art Category, and the “Emerging body” series in the Self-portrait Category. #bringinthebubbles
The award was juried by Elizabeth Avedon, and a total of 910 photographers from 63 countries have submitted 6,875 photographs for consideration of the pre-selection team of the Worldwide Photography Gala Awards and the final selection of the juror.
See all winners in the Self-portrait category here
See all winners in the Fine Art category here (this page is a bif of a scroll, but you can search too)