I’m finally allowed to tell that I’m super proud to have been selected a winner of the British Journal of Photography project ‘Edition 365’ in collaboration with newart.city!!
My work “Eye of the beholder” will be represented in the exhibition: “Edition365: A portrait of the year that changed everything”.
About Edition 365
Traversing tales of love, loss, hope, and solidarity, the exhibition is a once-in-a-century time-capsule, conceived to stand as a historical reference for decades to come.
All the works in Edition 365 was created between 11/3/20 (when WHO announced a global pandemic) and 10/3/21;365 days embodied in 365 works of art, captured by a vast and dynamic array of both established and emerging creators, from all around the world.
Each individual work included in Edition365 will be available to own as an NFT. One collector will also be able to own the entire virtual exhibition itself.
My work is presented in Room 1.